The John JR Robinson Paperweight Tournament June 7-8, 2025

Buy Toronto Rock Tickets Through This Link and support Mimico Lacrosse

Why Sponsoring Mimico Lacrosse is a brilliant marketing strategy

Why hockey players should play box lacrosse this summer

Talk of the Town since 1890

Since 1890, Mimico Lacrosse has provided a fun, safe and inclusive lacrosse program that is open to players of all ages and skill levels.

In 1931, the Mimico Lacrosse Club built an outdoor box at the corner of Church Street (Royal York) and Drummond Street, where the game has been played continuously until today. It was known across the province as the Drummond Street Bowl.

Mimico Lacrosse is the oldest lacrosse club in the City of Toronto and one of the largest lacrosse clubs in Ontario. With a wide range of programs for both boys and girls, we are proud to offer a comprehensive experience for kids in Toronto to learn and play Canada’s national sport in the nation’s largest city.

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I’m Blue

the Bear

Blue the Bear has been the official mascot of the Mimico Mountaineers since 2018. Since then, Blue has been an integral part of The Most Fun Lacrosse Club.

Name: Blue the Bear

Position: Mascot

Birthplace: 31 Drummond Street

Hometown: Mimico, Ontario

Height: 6'4'' Weight: 350 lbs

Favourite things: Saturdays at Mimico Arena and peameal bacon sandwiches.

Blue’s Family Fun Pack
